Marvel has steadily expanded its cinematic superhero universe, introducing new characters in each film and series. This autumn, we will be revisiting the story of Carol Danvers, who made her debut as Captain Marvel in 2019. The Marvels will follow her latest adventure as she teams up with Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan.
As the movie’s description goes:
In Marvel Studios’ ‘The Marvels,’ Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel has reclaimed her identity from the tyrannical Kree and taken revenge on the Supreme Intelligence. But unintended consequences see Carol shouldering the burden of a destabilized universe. When her duties send her to an anomalous wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, her powers become entangled with that of Jersey City super-fan Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol’s estranged niece, now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut Captain Monica Rambeau. Together, this unlikely trio must team up and learn to work in concert to save the universe as ‘The Marvels.’
The Marvels will be a part of Phase Five of the MCU. It will pick up after the events of the Ms. Marvel series, and also act as a sequel to Captain Marvel. If you want to learn more about how it fits into the wider universe, look at our article on how to watch Marvel movies and series in order.
When do tickets for The Marvels go on sale?
The new MCU film will hit cinemas on 10 November 2023. Tickets for screenings will be available a month in advance, going on sale in the US on Tuesday, 10 October 2023. This was confirmed by AMC Theatres on Twitter.